A punch in the neck

Monday, February 14, 2005

It's a job... Not a career

What do I do to put food on the table?

I work for a wireless company... I do "data technical support." Basically helping people with their Blackberries and modem cards, etc. After the Mark Jen Google incident I will not be going into any company details.

Most of my day is supporting the a decent little messaging device
via a live chat.

Supporting this device is a test of patience...Any explanation would not give an adequate representation of how frustrating this job can be. I'll just show you (Names have all been edited for privacy)

This is a transcript from a chat session

USER: hello
TECH: To USER: Welcome to Support Chat. What can I do for you?
USER: how do u set up a thing to email someone
USER: i cant email my buddy

TECH: To USER: Do you have any e-mail added in the XXX?
USER: yea
TECH: To USER: So you would just go to "compose" and write the message.
USER: it says i must set up an email account how
TECH: To USER: What e-mail do you use. AOL., Yahoo or IM?
USER: i did
USER: im
TECH: To USER: What do you use for e-mail though.
USER: i can email my other buddy but just one
USER: i have an ogo

TECH: To USER: Do you have a computer?
USER: no a ogo instant messiger
USER: how do i get an acount

TECH: To USER: Ok. Then you can only IM people... you wouldn't have access to e-mail. Unless you create a free MSN or Yahoo e-mail account.
USER: i can email some people because i have an acount for them
USER: how do i get an account

TECH: To USER: If you are going on the XXX to compose and it's asking you to set up an account then you don't have E-mail in the XXX.
USER: i do for a buddy but i need to find out how to get an account for another buddy
TECH: To USER: E-mail doesn't work that way.
TECH: To USER: Are you referring to e-mail or IM?
USER: then why can i email one person
USER: im

TECH: To USER: e-mail and IM are completey different. When you "e-mail" this one buddy how do you do it.
USER: the one i am trying to email or the one i can email
TECH: To USER: The one you can. How do you do it?
USER: i type in the email address
TECH: To USER: Give me the exact steps...
USER: i go into compose an i click into address then i type the letter
TECH: To USER: Ok. You follow the same steps no matter who you send to.
USER: its saying that i need a email account
TECH: To USER: Who is the buddy that you can send to?
USER: a girl i live with
TECH: To USER: I mean what is the address you are sending to.
TECH: To USER: @ what?
TECH: To USER: XXXXXXX@.......what?
TECH: To USER: What IM service do you use on the XXX?
USER: what u. mean
TECH: To USER: When you instant message people what service is it. AOL, MSN or Yahoo?
USER: i think aol
TECH: To USER: What icon do you have at the top of the display. The yellow AOL man... Yellow face, what?
USER: yello man
TECH: To USER: Ok so you have AOL. Do you pay for AOL internet access on your home computer?
USER: access i think
TECH: To USER: Do you pay $20+ a month for AOL?
USER: i do not pay the bill my mom does
TECH: To USER: Ask your mom if she pays for AOL
USER: no 17
TECH: To USER: That's for the XXX... I am talking about AOL
USER: yea she pays
USER: oh
USER: hld

USER: i can only talk to my mom
TECH: To USER: Ok. Can you ask her if she pays for AOL each month?
USER: the person i am try to e mail is in lawissianna
USER: yea

TECH: To USER: Ask her and let me know.
USER: ask her what
TECH: To USER: If she pays for AOL
TECH: To USER: Not the XXX... but if she pays for AOL.
USER: yea i am not gett
USER: not yet

TECH: To USER: not yet?
USER: she not pay for it now
TECH: To USER: What do you mean not yet
USER: she is not paying for aol yet
TECH: To USER: Ok. Then you don't get an AOL e-mail account.
USER: okay thanks


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