A punch in the neck

Monday, February 14, 2005

Love has to come up...

With it being Valentines Day love has to come up...

I was never really a romantic. The idea of love was appealing, but I guess I never believed in it. As a teenager I used to think I could marry anyone and be fine. That was before I realized what love was.

I had lunch with a friend one day and the conversation of love came up. She said something that proved to be very wise. (Who knows who she stole it from ;) )

"Be with the person you can't live without. Not the person you can live with."

I don't think Love is something that can truly be put into words. Everyone tries... but it obviously doesn't get the full point accross. Otherwise as a teen I wouldn't have been naieve enough to think I could marry just anyone.

Love has the potential to completely change you. Beliefs, values and viewpoints can all be changed.
When I fell in love it definately adjusted all of them. Marriage wasn't a priority, now it is. Family wasn't a priority, now it is.
When apart my happiest moment isn't as good as the saddest moment when together.
Love is when 5 minutes apart causes you to go through withdrawls.
When you'd rather be standing at the mall holding her purse then at home watching football.
When you can just gaze at eachother four hours.
Love is when you're not a dork when you call it "making love" because that's truly what it is.
Love is when closeness is a top priority.
I could keep going indefinately...

Now 7 months after the lunch with my friend. She is the one I can't live without.
Angela, thank you for making me a complete person. I love you.

Now that I know what true love is. My advice, don't settle for anything less. How do you know?
You just do.

I may look like a completely whipped mushy sap, but I'm ok with that :)


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