Move on march 1 firts is every okay ga
TECH: To WTF: Welcome to Help Buddy Chat. What can I do for you?
WTF: okay be
help nuvia yes ga
TECH: To WTF: How can I help you nuvia?
WTF: nuvia stay long saying make sure call robert need ash too me there how call him yes ga
TECH: To WTF: How do you want to "call" him? IM, E-mail, TTY?
WTF: yes give nuvia on tty please i not have i love him and my heart hurt lon if head stay long hurt make sure long yes you have give nuvia on tty yes ga
TECH: To WTF: I don't have TTY, but if you have AOL Instant Messenger you can use TTY.
WTF: the happy hurt long i am keep him yes him put nuvia this message is was not sent
yes need my the robert yes ga
TECH: To WTF: Ok. Do you have yellow man? Add buddy MYIPRelay and you can call Robert
WTF: yes have yelloman is okay how cant call him yes be realy is okay ga
TECH: To WTF: Ok. Go to IM and press the OPTIONS button (under the Up Arrow) Choose ADD BUDDY and add myiprelay
WTF: u have under there help nuvia move will him yes ga
TECH: To WTF: If you add myiprelay you can call Robert and he can help you move.
WTF: yes how be long move yes make sure sure long in
TECH: To WTF: You need help moving to little rock? What do you need?
WTF: i have there live mefor yes how make see him every much long yes ga
TECH: To WTF: What do you need to do? I don't understand
WTF: okay this talk aldo is there ga
TECH: To WTF: Al is not here now
WTF: where is him boing yes ga
TECH: To WTF: I don't know. He's just not here now. What can I do for your?
WTF: okay make ley nuvia why is move in little rock is okay i live there yes how can help me yes ga
TECH: To WTF: You live in
WTF: i live there how you be help nuvia yes i know be stay in
TECH: To WTF: You need to get to
WTF: yes too much people if nuvia be move on march 1 firts is every okay ga
TECH: To WTF: Too many people in
WTF: how much money for move yes gs
TECH: To WTF: I'm not sure. We can't help you with moving. Only PAGER.
WTF: yes where for march 1 is okay i am keep my money is okay every long ga
TECH: To WTF: You are saving so you can move march 1st?
WTF: i have see the banck and move in little rock every is okay if yes make tell on police for looking robert is there make live will me is okay ga
TECH: To WTF: You want to live with robert?
What do you want to tell the police?
WTF: okay make sure long yes ga
TECH: To WTF: make sure long? What do you mean?
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Anonymous, at 2:40 PM
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